I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Cornell. Much of my work is set in Baltimore, and considers what efforts to think and enact environmental futures look like from the sedimented space of late industrialism. I am also beginning research on environmentally conscious separatist movements in the Pacific Northwest United States that seek to repair body, soil, and soul from the “corruptions” of the modern age. This website includes links to my recent writing as well as background on my research and teaching.
For the latest writing, see a special collection I co-edited on “Fieldwork Confessionals,” recently published in American Anthropologist, “Uncertainty in Motion,” a new research article in Cultural Anthropology, and “Curtis Bay Residents Deserve a Coal-free Future,” a recent op-ed in the Baltimore Sun.
Finally, I’m excited to share that my first book, Futures after Progress: Hope and Doubt in Late Industrial Baltimore, is now out with the University of Chicago Press, and was recently recognized with an honorable mention for the Julian Steward Award from the Anthropology and Environment Society. You can read the open-access version for free here.

chloeahmann [at] cornell [dot] edu
208 McGraw Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853